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If you dont have much to risk, get ready to enter the crazy stories of Akis Melachris, the author behind this wonderful comics.
In this comics you will find a crazy and for adults only jungle that resembles a lot to our society...
(Greek language)
In this comics you will find a crazy and for adults only jungle that resembles a lot to our society...
(Greek language)

Xartinos Kosmos: Collectors edition
The first comics strip from "Xartinos Kosmos" appeared in 2004 as a part of the multimedia magazine "E-Sense", created by Loukas and Meliss. In 2007 it became a weekly webcomics that was online every monday. It was one of its kind that time for the greek web comics and reamained online for 4 years. A tribute to the comics was made in greek magazines like "Athens Voice" and it was also presented at the program "Digital Greece" in Greek National Television. This album contains the best of the webcomics from 2007 to 2011.
(Greek language)
(Greek language)

F.L.S. Collectors edition
In this collectors edition you can find a lot of greek artists who have created stories surrounding the universe of F.L.S. created by director Thanos Tsavlis. Along with this 32 page comics edition you will find the F.L.S. movie in DVD format, that was the inspiration for the comics.
(Greek language)
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(Greek language)
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